ordinary girl

An ordinary girl with an ordinary life loved with an extraordinary love by the extraordinary God

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Hi everyone! We arrived home from Thailand on Monday after being awake for about 48 hours with only a couple of 2-3 hour naps. I adjusted back to Eastern Standard Time very well, but was really tired for a couple of days. Reentry is going fine, just very busy, which is why it's taken so long to write to you. :-)

(Above: Just a few more hours to go before landing in Indy right before the blizzard of the decade. My feet were SO swollen from sitting so long in airplanes!)

I was a little nervous about the journey home because our team leader was staying in Thailand for another conference. As co-leader, I had to make sure we got home. I counted to seven many, many times to make sure I had everyone. But by your prayers and God's grace we arrived home without incident!

You'd probably like to know what happened on the last day of the conference since I asked you to pray for the children and Mrs. Susan as she presented the Gospel to the children. Even though most of the children are from missionary families, several made commitments to Jesus! On Thursday Mrs. Susan told one of the younger groups that she was going to give them an opportunity to ask Jesus to come into their hearts the next day. One little girl raised her hand and said, "Mrs. Susan, that's a long time to wait!" So, of course, Mrs. Susan led her and a couple of others in a prayer to receive Jesus right then! The next day there were several others. How sweet to be able to get a glimpse of the Holy Spirit working!

I'm sure you'd also like to know what happened regarding the closing program for the parents. I worked on putting together a program using the songs we sang during the week. (They were all ones I'd written, by the way. Mrs. Susan suggested I use them since they went to well with what she was teaching-- very cool to be used this way!!) I worked on it during breaks in between classes, lunchtime, and in the evenings. Although I worked on it constantly (and the other ladies got to do some fun things without me!) I wasn't stressed and had enough time to put it together. (Thanks for praying!!) Up until just moments before we were supposed to go on stage, I was working with teachers to make sure they knew what they were supposed to do. Since the parents had sessions in the main conference room where we were to perform, we weren't able to do a dress rehearsal, and the teachers had to get groups off and on stage at the right times. Way before the last child was in place, the camera flashes sparkled in the audience. Some parents were noticeably crying, and others, I'm sure had a tear ready to fall. The children did a great job! What a blessing it was for the parents to watch their children on stage-- something they don't get to do in the countries where they serve. And what a blessing for me to hear songs God has given me coming "back at me" as they praised Him!

During the cleanup, three of the conference board members asked me if I would consider coming back next year. I told them I'd love to if God wants me to... and I'd love to even if He doesn't (but of course, I wouldn't!) So we'll see.
This is the last official "Thailand" email I'll be sending out, but I'll continue to share stories about my time there on my blog a couple times a week until I run out of things to say. Be sure to go there to see photos of the closing program! (cathyhowie.blogspot.com) Thanks again, for serving the Lord with me and ministering to these missionary families. They were SO grateful! I knew we were serving these families, but I had no idea how much it would mean to them! I felt like our childcare role was a supporting one, but in talking with the parents, it was THE most important one for them. Many said their children REALLY look forward to this conference every year. Our group provided most of the childcare staff. Without us, without you sending me, the conference would not have happened. The goal of the group sponsoring the conference is to provide these families with what they need to educate their children, so they can stay on the mission field. You were a key part of that this year.

Thanks from them... and thanks from me! It was a pleasure serving with you!!

lots of love,


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